Our memberships connect teachers and students authentically with local Noongar artists, culture and language.

A Koolong Moort subscription grants you access to our member’s only service which will allow you to teach some important aspects of Noongar Culture through the use of our songs, videos and extended resources which are mapped to the curriculum outcomes.

Membership features

  • These videos were developed during lockdown in 2020 and include the ten most requested songs from our repertoire. The Koorlong presenters introduce the songs including explanations of song backgrounds, language and accompanying actions.

  • The resources include activities to help teachers explore the concepts throughout their teaching programs.

  • Two-way seeing integrates Indigenous and Western knowledge systems, fostering mutual respect and creating holistic solutions.

  • Resources for each song have been linked to the Early Years Learning Framework, WA Kindergarten Curriculum, SCSA and the Australian Curriculum (v8).

  • All songs are from Madjitil Moorna Songbooks. Favourites include: Bibbulmun Bonar, Wandjoo My Friend, Nidja Noongar Boodja Koort and The Acknowledgment Song.



Unrestricted access for all teachers within the subscribing school to use our teaching resources within all classes.



Access for an individual teacher to use our teaching resources, limited to a single classroom.

*Discounts may be available to small schools and early childhood services. Please reach out to discuss with us via our contact form.

Need financial help?

You could qualify for the Partnership Acceptance Learning Sharing Grant (PALS).
This grant is specifically for schools that are actively promoting reconciliation.